We Save Lives!
Canadian Magen David Adom actively raises funds to support Israel's team of trained volunteer and professional medical responders and aids in providing the entire nation's pre-hospital emergency medical needs, including disaster, ambulance and blood services.
MDA is an active member of the international Red Cross / Red Crescent Society.
Through our efforts and your support we are able to help ensure that MDA can continue its critical role in Israel. As Israel's national society, MDA is responsible for all of the following essential services and much more, none of which would be possible without your generous donations.
- maintains general first aid services;
- maintains a storage service of blood, plasma and their by-products;
- carries out any additional functions determined by the Society's By-Laws;
- Article 49 of MDA's By-Laws confers the following additional duties on the Society:
- provides instruction in first aid and pre-hospital emergency medicine;
- maintains a volunteer infrastructure and trains them in first aid, basic and advanced life support including Mobile Intensive Care Units;
- transports patients, women in labor, and evacuates of those wounded and killed in road accidents;
- transports doctors, nurses and medical auxiliary forces;
- MDA cooperates with the International Red Cross Red Crescent Society.

MDA maintains an ambulance fleet of more than 1850+ modern lifesaving vehicles on call across the country, of which 20 percent need to be replaced every year.
Additionally, MDA's 110 Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICU's) are equipped for the immediate diagnosis and treatment in cardiac and polytrauma emergencies. Staffed by physicians and emergency paramedics, treatment can be administered en route to nearby medical centers, greatly increasing survival rate and reducing the likelihood of further trauma-related complications.
MDA's 3-Wheeled Emergency Medical Scooters provide fast first responder emergency medical care by being highly maneuverable, especially in high traffic situations and have greater accessibility to remote locations where standard ambulances would have difficulty accessing. (CMDAI is committed to adding at least 12 of these life saving vehicles to the 85 already in service.)
For the first time ever, MDA is adding Emergency Response Helicopters to the skies of Israel. These specially equipped units will carry the latest in life saving equipment and will be staffed by fully trained paramedics, further increasing the MDA's life saving capabilities.

Blood Services
Magen David Adom is responsible for the collection and maintenance of more that 280,000 units of fresh blood each year which is collected solely from volunteer donors, without remuneration. MDA's National Blood Services supplies 97 percent of the country's total needs and 100 percent of the needs of the Israel Defense Forces.
MDA encourages all visitors to Israel to take the time to donate blood. A gift of blood is a gift of life.

Emergency First Aid Stations
Magen David Adom maintains a nationwide lifesaving network of over 127 Emergency First Aid Stations throughout the country. This expanding network of Emergency Stations is made possible through the generosity of the many MDA charitable support organizations throughout the world. Operating around the clock, MDA's First Aid Stations play a vital role in saving lives every day of the year.

First Aid Training
Each year, more than 50,000 Israelis learn the basics of First Aid and resuscitation in courses provided by MDA's first aid Instruction Department.
All 7th and 8th grade students in the country's schools are taught a 10-hour course in the fundamental techniques of first aid. This, along with special courses for members of professions which must cope with emergencies in the course of their work, such as firemen, policemen, all drivers of public transportation vehicles, aircraft crews, teachers and tour guides, increases the ranks of those who can provide assistance during emergencies.
The most intensive training is given to MDA's own personnel. Every ambulance driver must successfully complete an intensive 120-hour course in all phases of First Aid, including obstetrics. Frequently, ambulance drivers have been needed to deliver a baby en route to the hospital. The pinnacle of the instruction program is the strenuous and very thorough training given to MDA's Paramedics who are trained to staff the Mobile Intensive Care Units (MICU's).

Volunteer Training
MDA provides comprehensive training to all volunteers willing to commit to a minimum of two years of providing direct assistance as part of an ambulance crew or in MDA stations, administering first aid to patients.
During the training program, volunteers learn cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, approach to patients, treatment of work and road accident related injuries, treatment of drowning and electrocution victims, treatment of infants and children and much more.
(Source: MDA Israel)