Start Your Campaign
CMDA started off as a 100% volunteer-driven organization. As years passed, the organization hired staff members in Quebec, Ontario, and Western Canada to facilitate the fundraising efforts of our volunteers. Today, CMDA prides itself on continuing to be propelled by devoted and passionate volunteers with a love for Israel and emergency care.
Some of our most driven volunteers have run highly successful campaigns using our Peer to Peer (P2P) fundraising tool. This tool allows you to reach friends, family, and contacts, anywhere in the world. You just send us a photo of yourself and a few lines explaining what you’re raising money for and what motivated you to do it.
All you need to get started:
1. Send us a photo of yourself
2. Send us a few lines explaining what you’re raising money for and what motivated you to do it.
To start your own P2P campaign, please email us at info@cmdai.org or call us at 1-800-731-2848.